Saturday 14 December 2013

Circumstantial RPG Writer's Block

Anyone who follows this blog knows by now, that I am playing a The Dark Eye ("Das Schwarze Auge") Role-playing game with a group of friends. To round it all off, I happened to be the GM for the game.

When I started this, I had loads and loads of ideas for telling a story and helping the players to develop their characters and only the twelve higher gods, their countless demi-god children, Rastullah, The Nameless God, the demons of the lesser hells, the archdemons and some god-like giants know what else. Due to my recent long-term unemployment (that has finally come to an end) and my current surroundings, I seem to be unable to muster up the inspiration and enthusiasm to carry on writing on my campaign.

It pisses me off, in fact. I know what needs to be done. I have been doing it successfully for quite some time. It's just that when I sit down to do it, I seem to be unable to connect the dots and fill up the grey areas with life. This came to me so easily only a year ago. Now, whenever I try, I end up thinking about what needs to be done for the new job, insurances, my wifes impending PhD defense, making sure the car is alright etc. etc. you get the picture.

It is just not a good mindset for creating a story in a medieval fantasy setting with magic where the heroes of the story need to rescue an innocent elven child from a catatonic state with the help of a long lost divine artifact that they need to find by following the almost forgotten trail of four noble knights who hid it from the clutches of a mad demon-summoning empress a thousand years ago.

If someone knows a cure to this ailment, I bid them inform me of it. I tried all my previously working recipes. Listening to Power Metal and bard's music, reading fantasy books, hell even playing fantasy RPG videogames doesn't help.

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