Saturday 7 April 2012

When gaming gets stressful

So, I was playing my old PlayStation 2 yesterday, because I am still not through all my games and I always avoided GTA: San Andreas. Mostly because I cannot identify with that HipHop culture, in general, and the main character, in particular. But finally I get round to it and I am at the point where I was able to fight for territories.

This was becoming a rather stressful affair if you ask me. It didn't help that I was dating Denise Richards at the same time. At some point, it really was hilarious. So I took her out for a date and afterwards I go to get some more territories. It just so happened that I started getting into a fight with some Ballas boys, when my cell phone rings and Denise demands some attention (Women! I tell y'all, it's no fun :D). So I stop that petty gang war business to get together with that one, when it just comes to pass that some other gang is challenging my territory.

At this point, I got a twitch on my left eye and was having those funny Al Bundy-esque thoughts constantly cussing under my breath "Goddamit woman! What are you bringing me into!"

:D It was funny how stressful it was for me :D

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