Friday, 28 March 2014

Auckland (28.3.2014)

It had to happen eventually. Today we made our way to Auckland for our final stop of our journey. This will be the last entry that I will write from New Zealand :(

The drive today was again one of those days where we played the game "Only in New Zealand...". For example, only in New Zealand you see three lane highways and all three lanes are occupied by lorries overtaking each other. Or only in New Zealand on a three lane highway is the leftmost lane (the slowest) entirely empty while the other two are packed with vehicles. My personal favourite is Only in New Zealand more than 75% of the locals don't know their rules of approaching a roundabout.

After watching the Kiwis' style of driving when there are more than three cars on the road in utter amazement, we finally arrived in Auckland at our hotel. We decided to let our trip wind down by doing first a little shopping and getting our check-in passes and baggage in order. Nothing fancy really. Finally, we went up the Sky Tower to see Auckland by night before we went for a final meal and a drink.

Auckland is just one more big city. I hope I do not offend anyone by saying this, but if you've seen one big city you've seen almost all of them. After being in areas of low population for about three weeks, it did not feel overly great to be back in "the crowd". Too many people running around. It was a cultural shock actually. 

Anyhow, next post will be from Belgium. Not looking forward to the flight, but we'll get through it. At this point, I'd like to thank you all for reading this blog. I hope you enjoyed it at least a bit. I sure did enjoy writing it. Hopefully, I'll be able to meet and chat with you all in the near future and you can tell me what's been happening in your life in the meantime :)

Take care, guys.

Yep, there was an important dude in NZ called Vogel. Goes to show that the famous Vogel's all needed to go to different countries than Germany to become famous...

View from the SkyTower over Auckland at night


  1. Ich wünsche euch einen guten Flug! Kommt gut zu Hause an und ich hoffe wir sehen uns bald. Toller Blog - war schon ein bisschen neidisch, mal sehen wann bei uns wieder ein Urlaub in der Ferne anstehen kann. Habt ihr genau richtig gemacht und es ordentlich ausgenutzt! LG, Katha

    1. *Seufz* war nur wie immer etwas zu schnell vorbei :(

      Ich habe euren Blog von NZ auch immer sehr gerne gelesen, deswegen mach deine Drohung wahr und schreib auch wieder über eure Reisen ;)

      Ich bin sofort am folgenden Tag wieder arbeiten gegangen und es fühlt sich schon wieder an als wäre der Urlaub letzten Monat gewesen und nicht erst vor drei Tagen :/

      Machs gut und bis demnächst. Ich denke, ich werde bald mal wieder in Wü sein...
